Latest Photos of Our Current Show Team of English Springer Spaniels in Perth
Most weekends you will find us down at DogsWest, competing in the show ring. Our main focus is producing and showing quality English Springer Spaniels for both the show and performance rings (such as obedience, agility, hoopers, tricks, rally-o). We're very excited to see where the next few years take Briabrae and our English Springer Spaniels.
Show Highlights
You can keep up to date with our showing adventures on Facebook or Instagram as we update these regularly.
Bunbury Dog Show October 2024:
Oliver Best of Breed (1) & Runner Up Best of Breed (1)
Leia Best of Breed (1) & Best State Bred in Group x3 BCC x2
Chelsea BEST NEUTER IN SHOW & Runnur Up Best Neuter in Show
Perth Royal Dog Show 2024:
Oliver Runner Up Best in Group 3 & Best Australian Bred in Group
Chelsea Runner Up Neuter in Group
Junior Handler State Finals 2024:
Charlotte won 1st place in her age division with our Chelsea and an Australian Terrier swap dog.
Western Classic March 2024:
Chelsea was awarded 2 NEUTER IN GROUPS
Oliver was awarded Dog Challenge and 2 Australian Bred of Breeds
Leia was awarded BEST OF BREED and State Bred girl
Lenni wasn't in attendance due to being in season
February 2024
Lenni's first 2 shows awarded Minor Puppy in GROUP and Challenge girl!
Leia was awarded Challenge and State Bred of Breed
Oliver was awarded Runner Up Best of Breed and Open of Breed
Chelsea Neuter in Group and a Runner Up Neuter in Group
June 2023
Oliver took out Best Exhibit in GROUP at the GSDA of WA All Breeds Championship show under judge Roni Oma (WA). Also won 2 Best of Breeds and an Open in Group.
Chelsea came out of retirement to win Challenge under Steve Warry (WA) at the Oriental Breeds and GSD Association Championship Show.
Molly went Reserve Challenge under Roni Oma against tough competition.
April 2023
Leia took out a Reserve Challenge and Challenge being handled by 10 year old. Molly received a Best Puppy in Group and a Reserve Challenge
February 2023
Miss Molly took out Challenge at the ripe age of only 7 months old, facing some stiff competition of the big girls out in the ring. We're so proud of her progress and we absolutely adore her.
February 2023
Oliver took out Best of Breed, Dog Challenge
December 2022
Oliver took out Runner Up Best in Group
These are some of our latest photos from our current show team comprising of:
Oliver - Aust CH Cardhu Dare to Chase
Leia - Briabrae Moon Over Alderaan
Chelsea - Aust Neut CH Larona Whisper My Name
Molly - Arawhiti Molly Poppinz (AI) (IMP NZL)
You can click the above links and view each dogs Dogzonline profile containing their latest show results. For the latest photos please see our Facebook and Instagram pages.